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The Environment

Since its foundation, Banfi has implemented a production system that respects theenvironment developing their activities in harmony with their surroundings.

The desire to act as custodians of the land, and thus respect natural resources and biodiversity, is a clear commitment to safeguard the environment and care for future generations.



Protecting biodiversity

In order to preserve biodiversity, especially plant biodiversity, Banfi is committed to safeguarding bees, through the installation of eighty beehives with which to sustain the presence of this very important pollinating insect. The company is also active in the protection of the Amiata donkey breed, of which it owns three specimens that it breeds in compliance with animal welfare conditions with the sole aim of maintaining the breed.

Among natural resources, water represents a fundamental element in the production process that Banfi has always managed carefully, avoiding waste and reducing its consumption as much as possible.


Reuse of water in the cellar to protect the environment

Banfi has equipped itself with a water purifier, thanks to which it is possible to reintroduce the water resource into nature. In addition, the Montalcino plant has a plant for the treatment and recovery of water coming out of the purifier, thanks to which it is possible to save the consumption of large quantities of the resource every year.


The management of sludge from the water purification process

Sludge is the main waste from the water purification process but, thanks to a specific treatment, it can be transformed into a natural soil conditioner to be distributed during the spring and summer months.

Every year, large quantities of waste are avoided thanks to this project.
Great attention is paid to the choice of packaging materials, adopting solutions made from recycled material and selecting suppliers with specific environmental protection certifications.


6.3 Improving water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating uncontrolled discharge practices and minimising the release of chemicals and hazardous materials, halving the percentage of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.

6.6 Protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes.

12.5 Substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

13.1 Strengthening resilience and adaptability to climate-related risks and natural disasters.

15.2 Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, stop deforestation, promote the restoration of degraded forests and significantly increase afforestation and reforestation globally.

15.5 Take urgent and significant measures to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species.