
Banfi Improves Its ESG Rating: A Recognised Sustainability Goal


In the corporate sustainability landscape, the ESG rating is a key indicator to assess a company's commitment to the environment, society and governance. Banfi recently achieved a significant improvement in its ESG rating, going from BB to BBB, a result that reflects an important evolution in all areas of sustainability.

In 2022, the company embarked on a rigorous process of self-assessment of its environmental, social and governance impact, relying on Cerved Rating Agency. This process made it possible to measure the company's alignment with international best practices in sustainability, providing a clear view of areas of strength and those in need of improvement. the first comparison with the Wine Industry, based on aggregated data for the year 2021, had already positioned Banfi above the sector median, with a rating of BB. However, aware of the areas where improvement was possible, Banfi worked intensively to optimize its performance. The improvement of the rating to BBB in 2022 is the result of targeted interventions and constant efforts on several fronts. On the environmental front, Banfi has made significant progress in the calculation of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, thanks also to the collaboration with the University of Siena. The company has completed the project for measuring the Carbon and Water Footprint, essential tools for monitoring and reducing the environmental impact of wine production. In terms of governance, Banfi has renewed its organisational model, establishing an ESG Committee dedicated to overseeing the sustainability strategy and monitoring progress. This new governance body is crucial to ensure that the company's policies remain aligned with long-term sustainability goals. On the social front, the company recorded an increase in employee training hours and a reduction in the rate of work-related accidents, demonstrating a real commitment to improving working conditions and safety. Parallel to improving its ESG rating, Banfi has continued to pursue the path of sustainability certifications. A prominent example is the Equalitas certification obtained in 2022 for Brunello di Montalcino Poggio all'Oro 2016, the first of its kind to receive such recognition. Subsequently, in 2023, other prestigious labels such as Brunello di Montalcino Poggio alle Mura 2019 and Vigna Marrucheto 2019 obtained the same certification. The improvement of Banfi's ESG rating represents not only an acknowledgement of the work done, but also an incentive to continue on this path. The results achieved help the company to constantly improve its performance and deepen its positive impact on the territory, people and the environment. The path is clear: an ongoing commitment and dedication to quality that not only raises the company's standards, but also contributes to a more sustainable future for all by translating its ‘claim’ into action for a better wine world.

Domenico Francone Chef

During my childhood I liked to accompany my grandfather to the countryside, where he cultivated the vegetable garden, he produced wine and oil, and where he also had a very small cattle farm. What fascinated me the most, however, was on the way home: the preparation of the dishes with those same ingredients just picked. The orecchiette with turnip greens are the dish that has struck the spark in me. But in my childhood memories there are also the Sundays in Bari, my father's hometown, seasoned with real binges of fish bought by fishermen on their return from the sea.

Very close to his original land, this is how Domenico Francone likes to introduce himself.

His first experience in the world of catering, already in secondary school, is in pastry, a discipline that has always fascinated him.

His career path leads him to travel and experience in prestigious Italian and international restaurants. A Michelin star arrives in Tuscany, at il Ristorante Beck's Banfi, in 2008.

Following the closure of the restaurant, he moved to London where he worked at Heinz Beck's Apsleysstarred restaurant. A magical and exhausting moment at the same time, which gives birth to him with the desire to continue traveling, but which also triggers a strong nostalgia for returning to Tuscany, his land of adoption

And this is where Banfi offers him a second opportunity: to become La Taverna's Executive Chef

In addition to following La Taverna, supported by a talented brigade both in the dining room and in the kitchen, Domenico also reopens the other restaurant, La Sala dei Grappoli, leading him to conquest the Michelin Star in 2020.

"The arrival of the Michelin Star is a great achievement that rewards our immense work and our enormous passion. A conquest that renewes itself every day, when we try to tell our guests about the variety of tastes and colors of Italian cuisine, trying to enhance its infinite potential".

Target SDG

Target SDG intrapresi da Banfi: Territorio, garantendo sistemi di produzione sostenibili; Persone, promuovendo politiche orientate alla creazione di un lavoro dignitoso; Ambiente migliorando la qualità dell’acqua e riducendo l’inquinamento; Qualità, applicando pratiche agricole che aiutino a conservare gli ecosistemi.

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The Quality

The focus on excellent production is a distinctive element of Banfi's actions, as is the attention to satisfying consumer needs, guaranteeing quality and safety from a food point of view.

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The Environment

Fin dalla sua fondazione Banfi ha realizzato un sistema produttivo rispettoso dell’ambiente sviluppando le proprie attività in armonia con la realtà circostante.

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The People

Banfi riconosce la centralità delle persone per lo sviluppo e la crescita aziendale e ritiene fondamentale garantire le migliori condizioni lavorative per supportare il benessere nell’ambiente di lavoro.

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The Territory

Il progetto sul territorio, realizzato in collaborazione con l’Unità di Ricerca per la viticoltura del CREA e la Fondazione Edmund Mach di San Michele all’Adige, ha l’obiettivo di valutare gli aspetti fitosanitari, agronomici ed enologici di alcuni promettenti genotipi ottenuti da incrocio o da selezioni di varietà di vite che hanno manifestato elevati standard qualitativi e/o caratteri di ridotta sensibilità alle principali fitopatie fungine.

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