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When is the grape harvest in Tuscany?

When does the grape harvest start in Tuscany? And in the other regions of Italy? Find out more about the best period for the grape harvest.

When is the grape harvest in Tuscany?

Tuscany is one of Italy's most beautiful regions, not only for its cultural and culinary attractions, but also for its scenic beauty: depending on the season, one can admire scenery that is always different, and all breathtakingly beautiful.

Uno dei paesaggi che attira sempre più turisti è quello lussureggiante delle colline toscane, dove si estendono i filari d’uva e dove si trovano i più eleganti wine resort, come quello di Castello Banfi. Tra i periodi dell’anno ideali per visitare la Toscana vi è quello della vendemmia.

The grape harvest in Tuscany is mainly carried out in September and October. The exact dates vary each year, however, since the ripening of the grapes depends on various factors, which often cannot be predicted well in advance. During the months preceding the harvest, experts study the bunches of grapes to determine when they will reach the ideal degree of ripeness.
Moreover, not all grapes ripen at the same time: there are early and late varieties. Early grapes, such as those of the Chardonnay variety, are harvested in early September, and in some cases, if the climate is favourable, even during the month of August.

Late grapes, on the other hand, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, are harvested towards the end of September and during the first fortnight of October.

La Tuscany, proprio per la varietà del suo paesaggio e delle relative condizioni climatiche e caratteristiche del suolo, ospita vitigni con diversi periodi di maturazione. A seconda delle caratteristiche della vigna, quindi, la vendemmia può essere fatta da fine agosto a inizio ottobre.

When is the grape harvest in other regions of Italy?

Again, the harvest period depends on the variety of grapes and climatic factors. In Sicily, for example, the harvest starts as early as the beginning of August for those grapes that will later be used for the production of sparkling wine, while in some areas of Piedmont and Trentino-Alto Adige, one waits until November.

How to know when to harvest?

Climate change, the disappearance of the half-season and the sudden and often violent rains that are becoming increasingly frequent even in the winter months are putting vines and winegrowers to the test. Higher temperatures can bring the ripening period forward, but also change certain aromatic and chemical characteristics of the grapes and, consequently, of the wines.
That is why, in order to know when to harvest, it is necessary to assess the ripeness of the grapes on site. There are several elements to take into account to know whether the bunch is ripe or not, and there are mainly two:

  • colore,
  • rapporto tra acidi e zuccheri.

The colour depends on the type of grape variety: ripe white grapes are amber-yellow in colour (they are green when ripe), while red grapes are black when ripe (pale pink when unripe).
As far as the ratio of acids to sugars is concerned, ripe grapes will have a higher concentration of sugars and a lower concentration of acids.

Tradition and technology to know when to harvest

The most traditional method of assessing the ripeness of grapes, and thus when harvesting, is the sensory analysis of grapes, which is carried out by choosing three sample berries from the vineyard:

  1. come prima cosa si esegue l’analisi tattile, comprimendo l’acino tra le dita per valutare la sua consistenza: più è morbido, più è maturo;
  2. We then move on to visual analysis. As mentioned earlier, an assessment is made as to whether the colour of the berry corresponds to expectations;
  3. Finally, the taste examination is carried out, assessing the degree of acidity and tannic intensity of the skin.

Technology, on the other hand, is used to assess tonal acidity and the presence of sugars: more and more large companies are integrating traditional grape evaluation methods with analyses in specialised laboratories to make sure they pick the perfect moment at which to start the harvest.

Where to stay to attend the grape harvest in Tuscany?

Harvesting, therefore, is not just a simple harvest, but a true art, which is why it is truly fascinating and instructive to witness it.

Staying at a wine resort, such as Castello Banfi, wandering around the estate during harvest time, you may happen to witness the grape harvest and have a unique experience.

Harvesting at Castello Banfi, despite the large number of vines, is carried out partly by hand and partly by machine. The harvesting of Sangiovese, a late variety of vine compared to others, but unique and exclusive to the production of Brunello di Montalcino, takes place approximately in the last week of September. So if you want to be there when the grapes are harvested in Tuscany and stay at Castello Banfi Wine Resort, September is the ideal month.