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The Territory

Aware of the importance of the territory and its characteristics in quality production, Banfi has launched several projects in collaboration with the university world and research institutions.

Experimental fields
The project, carried out in collaboration with the Research Unit for Viticulture of the CREA and the Edmund Mach Foundation of San Michele all'Adige, aims at assessing the phytosanitary, agronomic and oenological aspects of some promising genotypes obtained by crossing or selecting vine varieties that have shown high quality standards and/or characters of reduced sensitivity to the main fungal diseases.

Comparison of breeding methods
The project, developed with the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agri-Environmental Sciences, Viticulture and Oenological Research Laboratory of the University of Pisa, aims to compare the qualitative characteristics of Sangiovese grapes grown in two different ways: the spurred cordon and the Banfi alberello. The latter is a form of training suited to difficult soils and low-input growing conditions that allows a marked reduction in the use of technical means (water, fertilisers, agrochemicals) and in working hours per hectare.

CO2 absorption
The project, developed with Cooperativa Modenese Essiccazione Frutta (MonteRè) and Nature 4.0, aims to calculate the impact, in terms of production and CO2 absorption, of the dried plum production process and also to determine a standard CO2 absorption value per hectare of plums.

Traceability of product origin
The project, developed with the University of Siena as part of the National Agritech Centre financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, aims to arrive at the determination of the geographic place of origin of an agricultural product or its processed product, a central element in determining food quality and safety and the connections with the production territory.

Attention to the territory is also manifested through the role and activities carried out by the Banfi Foundation, through its support for various cultural, musical and sports initiatives in support of the local community.
Visit the website of the Fondazione Banfi

2.4 Ensure sustainable food production systems and apply resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, help conserve ecosystems, enhance adaptive capacity to climate change, extreme weather, drought, floods and other disasters, and progressively improve soil and soil quality.

4.4 Substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have the necessary skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurial ability.

11.4 Strengthen commitments to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage.