Банфи - Информация для соммелье
Banfi for a better wine world
  • Sustainability Report 2017
  • The Pursuit of Excellence - History, Knowledge, Sustainability - Edited by Banfi - 2017

    The Pursuit of Excellence is the passionate chronicle of the journey that star- ted 40 years ago to discover our region and its incredible potential. A jour- ney rich in experiences, challenges, achievements and extraordinary as well as lasting successes. However, Research is also evidence of the continuing and undeniable desire to improve the knowledge and the fruit of our daily work, conducted with humility, curiosity and passion that have always animated our thinking and our philosophy.

    Our desire for knowledge, never tamed, was and still is moved by a feeling of genuine love for research, experimentation, and knowledge, in all areas of our business. Nourished and fed, in some ways even obliged, by an awareness to live and manage a worldwide unique production company in the world: vast, complex, and with potential still partially unexplored, and to be explored and developed further.

    With its 3000 hectare area, a third of which are dedicated to vineyards and grape varieties typical of the whole Tuscan landscape, with 29 different soil and climate pro les and a clonal wealth unmatched in the national wine sce- ne, our Montalcino estate is in fact, a unique example, a constant challenge to research and stimulate the improvement of technology and agronomic know- ledge, without compromise and without saving energy and resources.

    We accepted this challenge 40 years ago, aware that we could make the most of a unique territory and its main grape variety, Sangiovese, only with rigorous and continuous research, combined with the experience gradually gained. A procedure that we like to express as the concept of “dynamic development”. A commitment to research and continuous improvement, which is the authen- tic expression of our history, lled with respect for the most genuine tradition, but also interpreting and driving change, innovation and cultural enrichment. The challenge has drawn lifeblood from our thirst for knowledge, a true mis- sion and inspiration for all development projects, for research and experimen- tation at times empirical and creative, but always extensive and shared.

    A challenge, nally, that has always referenced the future and in future gene- rations, with the desire to leave behind a better human and cultural heritage than what we found in 1978, when it all began. Design Sustainability, to use a

    current trendy term that has always been our style.
    Ten years ago, aware that the dissemination of knowledge was the decisive aspect of our research, one that more than any other would make our actions strategic and essential, we decided to tell our story, the results of our research and our dynamic development, publishing a scienti c volume of about 500 pages, indeed, The Pursuit of Excellence, still recognized as one of the most rigorous, comprehensive and ambitious treatise on these issues ever made pri- vately. Issues such as zoning and clonal selection, the pride of our research team, and until then relegated only to academics and a small circle of scholars, they became the prerogative, thanks to the strictly scienti c, but never dull, lay language that was immediately understandable to a wider circle of enthusiasts and wine lovers.

    Today, ten years after this ambitious publishing project, along with an updated edition that has now been enriched with new experiences and new scienti c discoveries, some of which are discussed and revealed as a preview in this volu- me, we have decided to double our energy and publish this light version. Cer- tainly more lively and more usable, but no less profound and comprehensive.

    Thus, a Pursuit of Excellence for all, that tells the story of the uniqueness of our territory, our tireless passion and, above all, our innate desire to write, with the usual curiosity and humility, a new page on the fascinating world of wine. 

    Загрузить приложения

  • The Sustainability Report 2016
  • Vintage specific notes
  • The Pursuit of Excellence
  • Italian wine laws
  • Brunello di Montalcino D.O.C.G.
  • Rosso di Montalcino D.O.C.
  • Moscadello di Montalcino D.O.C.
  • Toscana I.G.T.
  • Chianti Classico D.O.C.G.
  • Chianti D.O.C.G.
  • Bolgheri D.O.C.
  • Grappa
  • Wine & Food paring

The Pursuit of Excellence - History, Knowledge, Sustainability - Edited by Banfi - 2017

The Pursuit of Excellence is the passionate chronicle of the journey that star- ted 40 years ago to discover our region and its incredible potential. A jour- ney rich in experiences, challenges, achievements and extraordinary as well as lasting successes. However, Research is also evidence of the continuing and undeniable desire to improve the knowledge and the fruit of our daily work, conducted with humility, curiosity and passion that have always animated our thinking and our philosophy.

Our desire for knowledge, never tamed, was and still is moved by a feeling of genuine love for research, experimentation, and knowledge, in all areas of our business. Nourished and fed, in some ways even obliged, by an awareness to live and manage a worldwide unique production company in the world: vast, complex, and with potential still partially unexplored, and to be explored and developed further.

With its 3000 hectare area, a third of which are dedicated to vineyards and grape varieties typical of the whole Tuscan landscape, with 29 different soil and climate pro les and a clonal wealth unmatched in the national wine sce- ne, our Montalcino estate is in fact, a unique example, a constant challenge to research and stimulate the improvement of technology and agronomic know- ledge, without compromise and without saving energy and resources.

We accepted this challenge 40 years ago, aware that we could make the most of a unique territory and its main grape variety, Sangiovese, only with rigorous and continuous research, combined with the experience gradually gained. A procedure that we like to express as the concept of “dynamic development”. A commitment to research and continuous improvement, which is the authen- tic expression of our history, lled with respect for the most genuine tradition, but also interpreting and driving change, innovation and cultural enrichment. The challenge has drawn lifeblood from our thirst for knowledge, a true mis- sion and inspiration for all development projects, for research and experimen- tation at times empirical and creative, but always extensive and shared.

A challenge, nally, that has always referenced the future and in future gene- rations, with the desire to leave behind a better human and cultural heritage than what we found in 1978, when it all began. Design Sustainability, to use a

current trendy term that has always been our style.
Ten years ago, aware that the dissemination of knowledge was the decisive aspect of our research, one that more than any other would make our actions strategic and essential, we decided to tell our story, the results of our research and our dynamic development, publishing a scienti c volume of about 500 pages, indeed, The Pursuit of Excellence, still recognized as one of the most rigorous, comprehensive and ambitious treatise on these issues ever made pri- vately. Issues such as zoning and clonal selection, the pride of our research team, and until then relegated only to academics and a small circle of scholars, they became the prerogative, thanks to the strictly scienti c, but never dull, lay language that was immediately understandable to a wider circle of enthusiasts and wine lovers.

Today, ten years after this ambitious publishing project, along with an updated edition that has now been enriched with new experiences and new scienti c discoveries, some of which are discussed and revealed as a preview in this volu- me, we have decided to double our energy and publish this light version. Cer- tainly more lively and more usable, but no less profound and comprehensive.

Thus, a Pursuit of Excellence for all, that tells the story of the uniqueness of our territory, our tireless passion and, above all, our innate desire to write, with the usual curiosity and humility, a new page on the fascinating world of wine. 

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