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2022 1 August


Although the name of the town of Montalcino is mainly linked to the production of Brunello, among the most popular red wines in the world, the Montalcino area certainly does not lack white wines that can compete in quality and character with it.

The white wines of Montalcino have the great virtue of telling the story of this sun-kissed corner of Tuscany embellished with vineyards that stretch as far as the eye can see, and embodying the character and strength of this land in a glass.

Moscadello: the historic white wine of Montalcino

The true historic wine of Montalcino, known and appreciated since the Renaissance, is a white wine: Moscadello, whose greatness has been extolled by poets and writers who have been fortunate enough to taste it.

As early as the sixteenth century, Sante Lacerio, a historian of oenology and wine-bottler to Pope Paul III, appreciated its lovable and moderately sweet flavor, while his contemporary, writer Paolo Aretino, warmly thanked a friend for receiving a bottle of Moscadello, "tondotto, leggiero, e di quel frizzante iscarico che par che biascia," as a gift. And Ugo Foscolo, during his Florentine sojourn, used to lift his spirits from the adversities of life with a glass of Moscadello.

Moscadello’s fame as one of the most renowned white wines of Montalcino across Tuscany lasted well into the 19th century, withstanding even competition from the now more famous Brunello, which has become the symbol of Montalcino. However, at the turn of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, almost all of Tuscany's moscadella grape vines were destroyed by grapevine phylloxera. Only in recent years its cultivation has been revived by companies deeply connected to the Montalcino area, its history and its true winemaking tradition, such as Banfi.

The grape varieties grown in Montalcino

Several varieties of white grapes are grown in the Montalcino area from which fine white wines are produced.

The most common grape varieties are Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and Moscadello, all of them are well adapted to the Tuscan climate and particularly to the hills surrounding Castello Banfi, a few kilometers from Montalcino, the winery's iconic symbol. Here are the Montalcino white wines we produce.

San Angelo Pinot Grigio

The San Angelo is a rich wine, pleasant to the nose and palate. Its aroma is heady with a rich floral bouquet and citrus notes, while on the palate the acidity and savoriness blend expertly in a delicate balance. The finish is long and persistent. A well-structured and smooth Pinot Grigio that turns out to be a very pleasant surprise.

It originates from Pinot Grigio grown in the estate's vineyards and is perfect with light fish dishes, especially shellfish and mollusks or seafood salads, but is also at its best with white meats and grilled vegetables. Also perfect as an aperitif wine, this Montalcino white wine pairs excellently with tasty Tuscan cheeses and is recommended to be served at a temperature of 10°-12°C.

Fontanelle Chardonnay

The Fontanelle is the must-have bottle in every wine enthusiast's private cellar. Born from the best selection of Chardonnay produced on the Banfi estate and, thanks to its aging in French oak, it acquires a hint of elderberry and vanilla that make it so appreciated by the most refined palates.

Like all white wines from the Montalcino area, Fontanelle is deeply tied to the land, with a soft, well-balanced structure that is complex yet elegant and refined with a lingering finish.

It is ideal to uncork during a romantic dinner or festive occasion, especially if the menu includes sophisticated seafood dishes, such as linguine with lobster or stuffed squid. However, the potential of this wine to accompany white meats, grilled or baked, should not be underestimated. Its recommended serving temperature is 12°-14°C.

Serena Sauvignon Blanc

Serena, among the white wines of Montalcino produced by Banfi embodies all the soul of Montalcino, the beautiful landscapes of the village and surrounding hills, the passion of those who work in the vineyards as they once did and the scent of freshly harvested grapes.

It is produced from Sauvignon Blanc grown on the Banfi estate and made unique by the soil and microclimate of the Montalcino area. Serena has an intense aroma characteristic of its grape variety, with hints of nettle and tomato leaves, and a rich, lingering flavor.

A strong wine like this needs to be paired with dishes of character, sophisticated fish recipes for both appetizers and main courses. And if you love vegetarian cuisine, there is no better Montalcino white wine than this one: its slightly spicy flavor makes it the ideal wine to pair with seasonal vegetables.  Its recommended serving temperature is 10°-12°C.

FloruS Moscadello di Montalcino Late Harvest

FloruS is a late harvest Moscadello di Montalcino D.O.C. and is the perfect bottle to uncork at the end of a meal if you wish to end a dinner with family or friends on a high note. This is an extremely balanced dessert wine where the sweetness of residual sugar and good acidity alternate to create a balanced, silky wine with a very lingering finish, almost like the one of a passito.

It can be paired with desserts of all kinds, but its fruity aromas and velvety texture are boosted even more when accompanied by dry desserts such as ricciarelli or cantucci, traditional Tuscan sweets. It is also perfect with aged cheeses. We recommend serving FloruS at a temperature of 10°-12°C.



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