Banfi - Bewertungen und Rezensionen - Neuigkeiten
Banfi for a better wine world
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2022 18 Oktober


Banfi, always a pioneer in sustainability and a promoter of practical initiatives to enhance the local areas, boasts among its certifications the prestigious Equalitas Certification, an internationally recognized certification for companies that have made social and environmental responsibility, transparency, and ethics the cornerstones of their strategy.

What is the Equalitas Certification?

The Equalitas Certification, issued by CSQA, was established in 2015 through the joint efforts of Federdoc and Unione Italiana Vini. It represents a true symbol of business excellence in the wine industry and reflects the strong commitment of all industry stakeholders to establish a high standard of sustainability that encompasses every aspect of the production chain, from raw material traceability to bottling.

These standards apply to both companies, which can receive the Equalitas Sustainable Organization Certification, and individual products, which can proudly display the Equalitas Sustainable Product Certification.

Over time, Banfi has achieved both of these objectives, adding the Sustainable Organization Certification in 2021 and the certification for products in the Brunello family in 2022 to its list of certifications.

The three pillars of the Equalitas Certification

Achieving the Equalitas sustainability standards for certified companies in the wine sector is based on three fundamental pillars (economic, social, and environmental sustainability), as well as a series of guidelines and best practices that encompass the entire production chain. These practices include soil and vineyard management (good agricultural practices), bottling and equipment sanitization (good cellar practices), and continuous and documented communication of the company’s strategic plans and Sustainability Reports (good communication practices).

Banfi for education and economic sustainability

One of the fundamental pillars on which the Equalitas Certification is based is the socio-economic management of the company, which encompasses not only good economic practices but also continuous employee training, integration with the local community, and engagement with the surrounding territory. 

It is specifically for this that Banfi has also created its Sanguis Jovis – Alta Scuola del Sangiovese. The institution represents one of the most original and innovative education paths in the industry, aiming to transform the culture of wine professionals and propel it toward a globalized future while respecting and enhancing the Sangiovese area, which boasts a rich and ancient tradition.

Banfi for environmental sustainability

Banfi has always embraced a business management approach that deeply understands, coexists, and harmonizes with the surrounding area. This is achieved through the rational use of resources and environmental care at every stage of the production chain, from grape harvesting to the creation of new lightweight bottles that help save on raw materials.

Regarding the Equalitas Certification, the pillar of environmental sustainability takes into account three main factors: carbon footprint, water footprint, and biodiversity.

Carbon footprint

The carbon footprint, which refers to environmental impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions caused by a company and its product manufacturing, represents the flagship of Banfi's sustainability strategy. 

Since the 1990s, the company has been promoting low-impact cultivation programs, minimizing the use of chemicals and environmentally aggressive products.  In parallel, Banfi has undertaken a reforestation project in the surrounding forests by planting local varieties, including cypress trees, which are particularly suited for increasing oxygen production and absorbing carbon dioxide.

Water footprint

Over the years, thanks to the profound knowledge of the rich and diverse territory surrounding Poggio alle Mura, our experts have developed an irrigation system that led to water savings of approximately 80%.  Through a localized irrigation system with variable rates and taking into account the geological, climatic, and soil variability of the cultivated land, we have minimized the withdrawal of water from the Orcia and Ombrone rivers, which are the natural water sources for the estate.


Banfi's commitment to environmental sustainability, as shown by the Equalitas Certification, also extends to biodiversity.  The rich and diverse wildlife, in particular including wild boars, pheasants, and deer, coexist harmoniously in the natural and cultivated fields surrounding our winery. Furthermore, we also take care of a small herd of Amiata donkeys, a local breed at risk of extinction, as part of our efforts to support animal conservation.

Equalitas Certification for sustainable products: our wines

The goals achieved by Banfi in the realm of sustainability encompass not only our company standards but also a wide range of products that have become the pride of our production—sustainable wines of the highest quality. One of our most prized and historic wines, the Poggio all'oro 2016, became the first Brunello di Montalcino to obtain the Equalitas Sustainable Product Certification in October 2022. It was followed by the Poggio alle Mura 2018, Vigna Marrucheto 2018, and Poggio alle Mura Riserva 2017, all of which proudly bear the prestigious Equalitas - Sustainable Products Certification.



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