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2022 4 6月


Sangiovese is one of the most popular grapes with connoisseurs from all over the world. If you would like to find out more about the history and characteristics of this grape variety, the only specific course on Sangiovese in Italy is the Sanguis Jovis-Alta Scuola del Sangiovese training project organised by  Fondazione Banfi

Following a course on Sangiovese gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in its history, to study the characteristics of this wine, together with the impact it has had on the areas where it is grown, and to analyse the reference market and much more.

Sanguis Jovis-Alta Scuola del Sangiovese

Promoted by the Fondazione Banfi, the  Sanguis Jovis- Alta Scuola del Sangiovese Summer School is now in its fifth year


The course has a limited number of places and participants are selected by public announcement. There are twenty places for students and professionals. The student category includes people under the age of 30 who have completed an undergraduate or master's degree less than 18 months beforehand, and who are not currently in employment; the professional category includes all those who, without limits to age, are currently working in the field of production-distribution-consumption and communication of wine in Italy or the rest of the world.

The course includes 50 hours of teaching with lessons, guided tours, and evening debates, and is run by teachers, academics, managers of wine and food businesses, and all figures with a role in the production-consumption supply line. The aim of Sanguis Jovis is in fact to give all-round training to the Sangiovese connoisseur of the new Millennium, expanding their knowledge on wine and of the whole world that is linked to it.


There is a packed programme for the Summer School and includes five days of morning and afternoon lessons on the history of Sangiovese, its territoriality, distribution in Italy and all over the world, and the marketing operations used to make the most of this grape variety.

The lessons, held from 10 to 15 July 2022, are held at OCRA-Officine Creative dell’Abitare Montalcino. There is also a visit to Banfi to look at the cellars and vineyards, as well as a gala dinner for the presentation of diplomas, held in the stunning setting of Castle Banfi.



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