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2021 31 8月


A goal that was achieved with CSQA thanks to the long path undertaken through the numerous sustainable initiatives in the area and the publication of the Sustainability Report since 2016.

Following an audit by CSQA, Banfi Società Agricola s.r.l., a leading company in the Montalcino area, has obtained the certification Equalitas, the accreditation for the Sustainability Management System for the Wine Industry.

Pioneer of Sustainability, which is one of the company's founding values, and an authentic and emblematic element of its path, Banfi has established a balanced and productive relationship with the territory in which it operates and genuine interaction with its partners and with the institutions with which converses. The initial path has evolved over the years following the growing demand of the wine world for quality and safety.

Cristina Mariani-May, owner and CEO of Banfi, declares: "We started feeling and working sustainably in unthinkable times when it was not yet a trend. Our product comes from the Earth; we know perfectly well that our success goes hand in hand with respect to the environment, so we have always tried to harmonize with our territory, from the vineyard to the finished product: the wine. The numerous research carried out since the early 1980s (Banfi was founded in 1978) in collaboration with the most important Italian Universities and Research Centers allow us to fully respect the territory in which we operate and produce high-quality wines. Over the past 750 years, our estate in Montalcino has only had three different owners. I have to make this area better than how my family found it for future generations. The achievement of the Equalitas certification is a natural goal, a sign of respect for all the enthusiasts of the prestigious Banfi wines in the world".

The Equalitas certification follows the certification of the 2020 Sustainability Report, which was subjected to limited assurance according to the ISAE 3000 Revised standard.

In fact, the Sustainability Report is one of the distinctive features of the EQUALITAS standard, together with:

•  good practices and economic, environmental, and social indicators integrated and each declined based on the most advanced experiences available;

Management System: where the company is led to integrating sustainability into its management dynamics, primarily operating in the area of self-assessment;

third party certification: which guarantees the consumer about transparency in the management of sustainability objectives, but also stimulates the company to work continuously and efficiently;

• the collective brand that allows communication to the consumer and the market.




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